What is a rash and why does it occur?

A rash is a clinical condition occurring as reddish skin, fluid-filled lesions or sometimes as an open wound caused by the diaper rubbing. It can also be due to irritation in the diaper area caused by stool and urine or a fungal infection. However, the symptoms thought to cause rashes may be the symptoms of a skin or systemic disease.

What are the advanced stages of common cases of skin rash? Is there any risk of a different type of disease in babies?

If a rash is not treated, bacteria and fungi contaminated by stool may turn into a serious disease that has common symptoms on skin. Various bacteria passing into the bloodstream through cracks and scratches on the skin can cause an even more serious disease. There are several skin diseases which are confused with rashes. These can be serious metabolic diseases such as dermatitis, atopic eczema, psoriasis and viral infections.

What should I pay attention to when choosing diaper and care products?

The diapers should be the proper size and absorbency, have several layers reducing the effects of urine and stool, dermatologically tested and proven to pose no harm to the skin.

Does the nutrition given to the baby have any effect on the rash?

The nutrition and medications given to the baby can cause problems with rashes and worsen the situation by changing the texture of the stool.

Do the meals consumed by breastfeeding mothers have any effect on the baby?

Antibiotics and all medications that pass into breast milk affect the baby. To prevent a rash from occurring on baby’s skin, the mother should eat natural foods and should not take any medications without consulting her doctor.

How to select the right rash cream How to use a rash cream

The rash cream must be colourless and odourless. You should generally opt for creams containing zinc oxide; however, in cases of resistant rashes, you should use creams with low hydrocortisone and, in the case of a fungal infection, fungicides should also be used in addition to the rash cream. Creams containing such medications should not be used under any circumstances without medical advice, since creams containing cortisone may cause adrenal deficiency by passing into the bloodstream through the skin, should your baby have a reaction to this ingredient.

What are the points to consider for baby care in the neonatal period?

During their first month, called the neonatal period, the baby’s skin is very thin and sensitive, so any medication applied can cause serious adverse effects by entering the bloodstream. For this reason, you shouldn’t apply any ointment or cream to your baby unless it is done so under medical advice. The umbilical cord should be kept clean and dry until it falls off; it should not stay inside the diaper. A stool and urine infection can be the cause of a serious infection over the belly. In addition, cleaning the baby in accordance with hygiene standards is critical for newborn baby care. The baby’s skin should be rinsed with warm water and dried thoroughly during the diaper change.

How to treat a rash

  • Do not allow the room temperature in your home to become too hot in winter.
  • Do not overdress your baby at home.
  • Make sure that the clothes you choose for your baby are not too tight or made of nylon.
  • Try to keep the temperature of your baby’s room cool and frequently air the room in summer.
  • Give your baby frequent warm baths.

Be sure to use single-use, ready-to-wear sanitary diapers to avoid a rash on your baby’s skin. You should change your baby’s diaper frequently, as urine and stool can irritate their bottom. Nowadays, paediatricians do not recommend talcum powder. You can rinse the area gently with warm water containing 1-2 drops of baby oil. Then, clean this area with a sanitary, soft and absorbent cloth. It is an efficient protective measure to let your baby stay without a diaper for 10-15 minutes and let their bottom air out while changing the diaper.

You should fasten the diaper as loosely as possible on the belly area and let the air circulate in the diaper. You should not dress them in nylon underwear (synthetic fibres) or a layer preventing leakage after fastening the diaper. This causes a rash by locking moisture inside as well as preventing the skin from getting air. If there is a rash, the baby’s bottom should be washed with warm water containing 1-2 drops of baby oil, rinsed and patted dry. Apply a thick layer of protective cream for rashes to protect the areas with rash against urine and stool.