Raising a child is both exciting and challenging. When your child is an infant, this is a time for developing the bonds that will last a lifetime. It is also the time for parents to begin to discover who this new little person really is.
Apart from a proven track record in providing safety and comfort with its diapers, Moltex is sharing some useful advice that is supported by healthcare professionals, mums, dads, grandparents and other carers.
Is it normal that my baby eats too much?
The excess is never good, but how do you know if the baby eats a lot? Should we take away the food even if it continues to show hunger?
No matter how careful you are, your little one will probably get diaper rash at some point. Most babies do. So, plan ahead. Learn how to treat diaper rash and prevent flare-ups. Your baby's little bottom will thank you!
Signs and symptoms of pregnancy
For women who have a regular monthly menstrual cycle, the earliest and most reliable sign of pregnancy is a missed period. Women who are pregnant sometimes have a very light period, losing only a little blood.
Health professionals recommend that breastfeeding begin within the first hour of a baby's life and continue as often and as much as the baby wants.
General information for mothers
Being mom is not an easy job, especially after delivery of your baby. It is challenging for you as a new mom as you may face many new challenges as your baby grows. The tips which in fact will be very helpful in caring your baby but every moms will find their own practical way…